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What is EMDR?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) approach believes past emotionally-charged experiences can and often do overly influence our present emotions, sensations, and thought.
EMDR uses rapid sets of eye movements to help you update disturbing experiences, much like what occurs when we sleep. During sleep, we alternate between regular sleep and REM (rapid eye movement).
This sleep pattern helps you process things that are troubling you. EMDR replicates this sleep pattern by alternating between sets of eye movements and brief reports about what you are noticing. This alternating process helps you update your memories to a healthier present perspective
What does an EMDR session look like?
EMDR takes teamwork!
• You will be asked a set of questions to access and activate the negative experience and the desired adaptive resolution.
• Sets of bilateral stimulation will be applied.
• You will be encouraged to just “free associate” and allow the brain to work through the experience
reporting off and on what you are experiencing.
• EMDR processing will continue until the past experience has been updated to an adaptive present perspective.
• With long standing issues, this process may take multiple sessions.
• Once the disturbing experiences have been updated, you and your therapist will work together to integrate these new insights and perspectives into your daily life.
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